We understand getting a late fee can be frustrating. Late fees are applied per the governing documents of your association, not at the discretion of management. To review the late fee policy of your community, please access your resident portal at https://portal.connectresident.com/.
If you would like to appeal the fee(s) listed on your account, please complete the online appeal form via this link: https://fsresidentialeast.com/late-fee-waiver-request/. Once your form is fully completed, the association's Board of Directors/Trustees will review the information, and you will be notified of their decision via email. Please note that submitting the appeal form does not automatically suspend collection actions or terminate any prior actions or costs incurred. You are still responsible for making payments while your appeal is under review.
To avoid future late fees, we highly encourage all homeowners to set up automatic ACH payments online through your resident portal.
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